Go Go Gadget Arms!

Yeah, I read the articles too.

The iPhone 5 is out.

Once again, it’s awesome. Yes, I know. I’m an Apple fan. I like their products. I buy their products. I’m not going to debate Apple vs. other tech companies in this blog (but yeah, I drank the Kool-Aid and I tend to fall under Apple’s umbrella).

But that’s not what this blog is about.


It’s our craving for technology…

…or the latest gadget.

But what are we doing with the gadgets?

On the drive back from our trip to Coldstone yesterday, my fiancee noticed an odd sight with the driver to our right. Upon quick glance, it looked like he had both arms out of the car–one on each side. She joked, “Go Go Gadget Arms!”

We started talking about the great cartoon, Inspector Gadget.

It was one of my favorites as a kid.

Inspector Gadget aided by his bionic gadgets of almost every device or tool battled Doctor Claw. Here’s the thing: while his gadgets tended to work doing mundane tasks around the home, they almost always failed on a mission. Lucky for gadget, his niece, Penny, and Penny’s dog, Brain, utilized their own quick thinking to not only save Gadget, but often complete the mission itself.

The show was funny. The kid was the hero. It was perfect.

And as we drove back, I thought more…

Am I becoming more like Inspector Gadget or more like Penny?

Penny also utilized technology, but she didn’t rely 100% on it. She used her brain and she worked with Brain.

Inspector Gadget looked for the quick fix. Penny did the work & Penny built the relationships.

And me? I definitely get gadget envy. I definitely don’t utilize all of my tools to their greatest extent. I’m also guilty of neglecting some relationships at times in favor of playing with technology. This doesn’t serve anyone, and it doesn’t alway “complete my mission.”

Yes, I will get a new iPhone one of these days (probably not this one as I buy every other generation), but I hope that as I continue to get the latest and greatest technology, it doesn’t become my world.

What about you?