While in Toronto on Sunday, I had a nice dinner visit with some of the people I worked with at the Sundance Film Festival this past January. It was really nice to catch up with them and hear about the amazing things taking place in their lives. As the evening progressed, the conversation went down a variety of paths including great books we were reading, miniseries we were watching, films we were anticipating, and even the websites we were loving. I shared a few of my funny favorites which lead to a few more funny stories from everyone at the table. Eventually, my friend Linda, mentioned a site called 1000 Awesome Things. Normally, I’d forget something like that, but the very next morning I opened up the Monday, April 26th edition of The Globe and Mail: Canada’s National Newspaper and there it was, on the front page of section L. A whole article about Neil Pasricha, his website, and the book that developed from it.
I really do encourage you to check out the site (one of the reasons there are so many links in this particular blog entry). Pasricha began the project in June 2008, posting one thing daily. To some that might be a daunting task, but after reading a few entries, I realized it’d be a wonderful way of looking at the world.
In today’s day and age, where phrases like “FML” dominate facebook status updates and people continue to join groups to describe what they hate, it’s nice to see something that points out the awesome things around us.
A few that I read today (some previous days entries) off 1000 Awesome Things:
#517 That clicking sound of winding anything up
#518 Napping with somebody else
#520 When a baby falls asleep on you
You get the idea. The site just finds awesome things about life. It has a positive perspective.
Couldn’t we all work a little harder to try to do the same in our own life?