Today is Opening Day for baseball.
A new season begins and the slate of last season is wiped clean–truly–both teams in last year’s World Series don’t appear on predictions for the 2015 series.
So the real question each team should be asking is…
“How many games are we going to play? 162 or 173+?”
162 games mean the season ends during the regular season.
173 is the minimum number of games required to win the World Series.
182 is the most games a team can play assuming it gets a wild card berth and takes each playoff series to the maximum number of games.
The difference between an okay season and one that fans will talk about for ages is twenty games or less. It’s that little bit of extra effort and that little bit of connection that makes a season memorable.
So today on day one of the season– is a team done on October 4th or will they take part in a post season that has the chance to stretch into November?
What about you? Will you just get by today with the minimum or will you do those few extra things that allow you to connect with you own “postseason” fan base?
Make it happen
…and go Padres! : )